全国統一教会(世界平和統一家庭連合)被害対策弁護団English TOPPAGE WhoWeAre ContactUs

Lawyers from Across Japan for the Victims of the Unification Church



Following the assassination of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in 2022 by a “forced-faith second generation” son of a follower of the Unification Church in Japan (“UC Japan”), significant public attention was drawn to UC Japan’s activities. This attention resulted in bringing to light the tremendous harm that UC Japan has caused to Japanese society and many “forced-faith second generation” victims. It also showed that there are many individuals needing legal assistance in order to obtain some relief for the losses they have suffered from UC Japan’s conduct.

Legal Representation for Victims Seeking Resolution Supported by Court Precedents.

A number of victims harmed by UC Japan have been raising their voice, claiming the financial hardships they face as a result of making offerings to and purchasing spiritual goods from UC Japan. These expenditures, in many cases, were entirely unaffordable when viewed with respect to individuals’ asset and income levels. The impact of these offerings and purchases has been destructive to these victims financial plan, using up their savings that otherwise would be applied to their children’s tuition and as economic security for retirement. Japanese courts have held that, when viewing the entire picture, if such contributions are beyond social reasonableness because they were the result of manipulative indoctrination processes and undue inducements designed for UC Japan’s own monetary benefit, then UC Japan is liable in tort for the losses caused. Based on this established court precedents, lawyers are assisting victims, both in and out of court, seeking monetary recovery. Many lawyers have decided to work together under the auspices of a nation-wide Lawyer Team to help in this effort. Given the financial hardships and advanced age of many victims, it is clear that obtaining appropriate resolution and settlement as soon as possible is most appropriate. Regrettably, UC Japan has not provided clear or honest response accepting responsibility for their actions.


The Lawyer Team is fully committed to providing legal representation for victims of UC Japan. While legal recovery may only be in the form of monetary awards or settlements, such outcomes may nonetheless provide some measure of relief for what has been lost by many victims – a financially stable life, family relationships, forgone educational opportunities and or economic security in retirement.
The Lawyer Team respectfully asks that all leaders in Japan and worldwide to understand the sufferings of UC Japan’s victims and the injustice they have faced, and to kindly cooperate in moving forward and taking meaningful steps to provide these victims with some restoration for what has been lost.

Major Statements

Oct. 12, 2023  Statement Re: Petition for Dissolution Order to the Unification Church
Jul. 6, 2023  Statement Re: Almost one year passed since the fatal shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 8th last year









2023/10/12  声明「統一教会に対する解散命令請求について

2023/7/6  安倍晋三元首相銃撃事件から1年にあたっての声明